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Dante’s Divine Comedy
The epic was the literary form of choice for some of antiquity’s greatest poets. Epics were Párr. 1
written to celebrate the achievements of a hero—often partly divine or possessed of
exceptional strength and valor—and the stories were often allegories of transitional
moments in history, such as the birth of a nation or the conquest of an enemy. For example,
5while Homer’s Iliad is the story of the hero Achilles, it is also, more importantly, about the
defeat of Troy by the great armies of Greece. Such poems often weave together the
contemporary with the mythic, and their heroes play key roles in building civilization.
Long after the fall of classical civilizations, the epic poem remained the favored Párr. 2
literary form through which to celebrate national power. For example, English poet
10Edmund Spenser’s 1590 epic The Faerie Queene is a paean to the ascendancy of Elizabeth
I and her country, while Italian Ludovico Ariosto’s Orlando Furioso, written in 1516,
applauds the increasingly influential House of Este.
Dante’s The Divine Comedy fits into the postclassical epic tradition—it is long, Párr. 3
heroic, allegorical, and often nationalistic, reflecting Dante’s active role in Florentine
15politics. However, it is also unusual and innovative in a variety of ways. Whereas in earlier
epics the omniscient narrator remained “outside” the story, Dante sets the narrator within
the text; the book audaciously uses Tuscan (Italian) vernacular language rather than
traditional Latin; and Dante stretches the form of the epic by combining classical thought
and mythological motifs with contemporary European philosophy and Christian
Dante takes the reader on a journey through hell, purgatory, and heaven—from sin Párr. 4
and despair to ultimate salvation—mapping out the geography of each realm in detail,
evoking an almost physical reality. The work recalls many classical epics that describe
journeys to the underworld and, like earlier epics, it is an allegory: the journey through
25the underworld is symbolic of Dante’s search for personal meaning.
Originally, Dante called this poem simply the Commedia, or “Comedy,” which at Párr. 5
the time was a term used for works in which the difficulties or challenges faced by the
protagonist were resolved in a broadly happy ending (in contrast to the classical tragedies,
which focused on loss and suffering). It was the 14th-century poet Giovanni Boccaccio who
30first called the poem “Divine,” a reflection on its spiritual content as well as the extreme
beauty of its style.
When Dante began The Divine Comedy —a work that was to take him 12 years to Párr. 6
complete—he was already established as a poet, working in the dolce stil novo (“sweet new
style”), a movement characterized by its introspection, and liberal use of metaphor and
35symbolism. Politics and personal passions were the subjects of his poetry, and late 13th-
century Italy provided plenty of inspiration.
Dante himself was embroiled in the political life of his beloved Florence, which was Párr. 7
involved, along with the rest of Italy, in struggles for power between the church (the Pope)
and the state (the Holy Roman Emperor). Key figures from these conflicts were portrayed
40in The Divine Comedy, and the inclusion of real people provided a degree of sensationalism
that contributed to the poem’s success. Dante was eventually exiled from Florence for his
political allegiances and, although it greatly pained him, his removal from public affairs
allowed him the distance to produce his celebrated allegory of the philosophy, morals, and
beliefs of his medieval world.
45The Divine Comedy is structured in thirds, reflecting the significance of the number Párr. 8
three in Christian theology (where it symbolizes the trinity of the Father, the Son, and the
Holy Spirit). The journey comprises three books (“Hell,” “Purgatory,” and “Heaven”), plus
one introductory chapter, to make 100 cantos in total. It is written in a verse style called
terza rima, an interlocking three-line rhyme scheme, which was developed by Dante.
50Told from a first-person perspective, the work is in the form of an eschatological Párr. 9
journey (one about death and the afterlife). The story begins in a dark forest, a symbol of
sinful life on Earth. Dante attempts to climb a mountain to find his way out of the forest,
but his path is blocked by wild animals (which represent sins). Hopeless, weak, and in need
of spiritual guidance, he meets the Roman poet Virgil, who has been sent to guide him by
55Beatrice, the lost love of his past. For Dante, Virgil represents classical thinking, reason,
and poetry. Virgil assures Dante he will achieve salvation—but only after he has journeyed
through the afterlife. The two then begin their journey, starting with the descent into Hell.
Dante’s hell is situated below the city of Jerusalem and is shaped like a gigantic Párr. 10
funnel that leads to the very center of the Earth. Outside Hell is a “vestibule” containing the
60souls of those who in life did neither good nor evil. Hell itself is made up of nine circles,
which contain the souls of sinners, from the least offensive (the unbaptized) to the most
offensive (the treacherous). A wall, guarded by devils, impedes Dante’s progress to Lower
Hell, where violent and malicious sinners are punished. At Hell’s core, trapped in ice, is a
winged, three-faced Satan.
65The first book of The Divine Comedy describes the levels of hell, and the ways in Párr. 11
which punishments are tailored to the sins of individuals. The souls of flatterers, for
example, spend eternity buried in excrement, a reminder of the excrement that they spoke
on Earth. Seducers are tormented by horned devils who crack their whips over them until
they become lumps of well-beaten flesh. In his visceral descriptions of the punishments and
70layout of hell, Dante invites readers to reflect on their own failings, to change direction, and
to live in harmony with other people and with God.
When that journey to the bottom-most reaches of hell is complete, Dante and Virgil Párr. 12
begin the ascent of Mount Purgatory, with its circular terraces, where the souls of the
penitent undergo a different kind of suffering on each level to purge themselves of sin and
75enter the Earthly Paradise. Purgatory is a place for sinners who lived selfishly on Earth, but
showed enough remorse to offer hope for salvation. In purgatory, they may purge
themselves in preparation for entering heaven. As they climb the mountain, passing through
seven levels representing the seven deadly sins, Dante and Virgil meet individuals painfully
working to overcome the flaws that led to their sins. Proud souls, for example, carry huge
80stones on their backs while they learn humility.
Once out of Purgatory, Beatrice takes over as Dante’s guide: this is because Virgil Párr. 13
was born before Christ and therefore could not enter the “Blessed Realms.” Beatrice can be
seen as the eternal feminine guide, the heart and soul of humankind. It is she who
intervenes for Dante’s salvation and through her, Dante comes to understand the love of
85God. Dante journeys through Heaven’s nine spheres, each of which is linked with a
celestial body, in line with medieval Earth-centric ideas about the structure of the universe,
and with the hierarchy of angels. Beyond the spheres is God in the Empyrean—a heaven
beyond time and space.
Dante adapted the form of the classical epic, with its adventurer-heroes and multiple Párr. 14
90gods, to express a profound vision of Christian destiny, incorporating both personal
and historical events into the story. Innumerable artists and writers have been inspired by The
Divine Comedy, and American-born writer T.S. Eliot described it as “the highest point that
poetry has ever reached or ever can reach”.
Canton, J. & D. K. (2016). I found myself within a shadowed forest: The Divine Comedy
(c.1308-1320), Dante Alighieri. En Gilbert, R., Loxley, D. Symour-Ure, K.,
Walisiewicz, M. y Westhorp, C. (Eds.). The Literature Book (62-65). Nueva York:
DK-Penguin Random House.