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The History of Piracy
The history of piracy can be traced back to the 14th Century BC. At that time, a group ofPárr. 1
ocean raiders known as the Sea Peoples attacked ships from the Aegean and Mediterranean
civilizations. Likewise, privateering uses similar methods to piracy. The main difference is
that the captain acts under orders of the state to capture ships belonging to an enemy nation.
5The authority and backing of the government made privateering a legitimate form of war-
like activity by non-state actors as opposed to piracy. Keep reading more below to learn about
the history of piracy and privateering.
Later, piracy further expanded during the Age of Piracy in the 16th and 17th century.Párr. 2
Narrow channels that allowed shipping to follow predictable routes also created opportunities
10for piracy, privateering and commerce raiding. For example, the waters of Gibraltar, the Strait
of Malacca, Madagascar, the Gulf of Aden, and the English Channel are channels that made
it geographically easier for pirate attacks to occur. As stated above, privateering was
essentially raiding that was sanctioned by the government. Privateers were hired as sea
raiders with the goal of capturing commercial vessels that flew the flag of declared enemies.
15Privateering required a letter of marque and reprisal that was signed by a monarch. It could
also be issued by a local governor or other lesser officials, too. As payment for the letter of
marque, the government officials typically received a portion of the booty. Examples of
famous privateers include Francis Drake, Henry Morgan, and William Kidd.
Later, during the early 18th century, famous pirates began to emerge. Some of thePárr. 3
20most popular famous pirates included Blackbeard, Anne Bonny, and Bartholomew Roberts.
The stereotypical image of a pirate was typically a man with a peg leg, an eyepatch, and
parrot on his shoulder. This iconic image of a cheery, adventurous, and charmingly-accented
sailor was not based in reality. Instead, a real pirate was usually a desperate thief who would
use torture and violence to acquire treasure.
25After the mid-18th century, piracy became a criminal act. Consequently, thePárr. 4
punishment for piracy was death. For a time, the incidence of pirate acts declined. However,
in the late 18th century and early 19th century, piracy made a comeback. At that time, it was
promptly stamped out by the British navy. When the navy caught pirates, they would hang
pirates from cage-like devices called gibbets. These terrible devices were shaped like the
30human body in order to hold the body together. The purpose of gibbeting was to punish the
criminal even in death. This gruesome practice also served to warn the general public to obey
the law and avoid piracy themselves. Later, the bodies of the pirates would hang in the gibbets
for years creating a terrible sight and foul odors until they decomposed into a skeleton. The
frightful practice of gibbeting reiterated that piracy was an act of high treason that no longer
35was accepted in society.