Comprensión de lectura


  • Lee con atención la lectura que acontinuación se muestra
  • Usa el mouse para desplazarse hacia abajo en la lectura
  • Lee atentamente cada uno de los reactivos y selecciona la opción que consideres correcta.
  • Cuando hayas elegido tu respuesta, selecciona el botón de “siguiente pregunta”.
  • Al finalizar el examen, se mostrará el resultado que obtuviste, así como una retroalimentación de cada reactivo.


The Bodleian Library
The Bodleian Library is one of the oldest libraries in Europe, and in Britain is second inPárr. 1
size only to the British Library with over 12 million printed items. First opened to scholars
in 1602, it incorporates an earlier library built by the University in the 15th century to
house books donated by Humfrey, Duke of Gloucester. Since 1602 it has expanded, slowly
5at first but with increasing momentum over the last 150 years, to keep pace with the ever-
growing accumulation of books, papers and other materials, but the core of the old
buildings has remained intact. Known to many Oxford scholars simply as ‘the Bod’, these
buildings are still used by students and scholars from all over the world, and they attract an
ever-increasing number of visitors.
10The University’s first purpose built library was begun in approximately 1320 in thePárr. 2
University Church of St Mary the Virgin, in a room which still exists as a vestry and a
meeting room for the church. The building stood at the heart of Oxford’s “academic
quarter”, close to the schools in which lectures were given. By 1488, the room was
superseded by the library known as Duke Humfrey’s, which constitutes the oldest part of
15the Bodleian. Humfrey, Duke of Gloucester and younger brother of King Henry V, gave the
University his priceless collection of more than 281 manuscripts, including several
important classical texts. The University decided to build a new library for them over the
new Divinity School; it was begun in 1478 and finally opened in 1488. The library lasted
only 60 years; in 1550, the Dean of Christ Church, hoping to purge the English church of
20all traces of Catholicism including ‘superstitious books and images’, removed all the
library’s books – some to be burnt. The University was not a wealthy institution and did not
have the resources to build up a new collection. In 1556, the room was taken over by the
Faculty of Medicine.
The library was rescued by Sir Thomas Bodley (1545–1613), a Fellow of MertonPárr. 3
25College and a diplomat in Queen Elizabeth I’s court. He married a rich widow (whose
husband had made his fortune trading in pilchards) and, in his retirement, decided to ‘set up
my staff at the library door in Oxon; being thoroughly persuaded, that in my solitude, and
surcease from the Commonwealth affairs, I could not busy myself to better purpose, than
by reducing that place (which then in every part lay ruined and waste) to the public use of
30students’. In 1598, the old library was refurnished to house a new collection of some 2,500
books, some of them given by Bodley himself. A librarian, Thomas James, was appointed,
and the library finally opened on 8 November 1602.
Bodley’s work didn’t stop there. In 1610 he entered into an agreement with thePárr. 4
Stationers’ Company of London under which a copy of every book published in England
35and registered at Stationers’ Hall would be deposited in the new library. This agreement
pointed to the future of the library as a legal deposit library, and also as an ever-expanding
collection which needed space. In 1610–12 Bodley planned and financed the first extension
to the medieval building, known as Arts End. Bodley died in 1613, but shortly after work
started on his planned Schools Quadrangle. The buildings were designed to house lecture
40and examination rooms (‘schools’ in Oxford parlance) to replace what Bodley called ‘those
ruinous little rooms’ on the site in which generations of undergraduates had been taught. In
his will Bodley left money to add a third floor designed to serve as ‘a very large
supplement for storage of books’, which also became a public museum and picture gallery,
the first in England. The quadrangle was structurally complete by 1619, though work
45continued until at least 1624. The last addition to Bodley’s buildings came in 1634–7, when
another extension to Duke Humfrey’s Library was built; it is still known as Selden End,
after the lawyer John Selden (1584–1654) who made a gift of 8,000 books. The library was
now able to receive and house numerous gifts of books and, especially, manuscripts. It was
these collections which attracted scholars from all over Europe, and the library still opens
50its doors to scholars from around the world.
Another tradition, still zealously guarded, is that no books were to be lent to readers;Párr. 5
even King Charles I was refused permission to borrow a book in 1645. But with no heating
until 1845 and no artificial lighting until 1929, the number of users should not be
overestimated; in 1831 there was an average of only 3–4 readers a day and the Library only
55opened from 10am–3pm in the winter and 9am–4pm in the summer.
The growth of the collection slowed down in the early 18th century, but the latePárr. 6
17th and early 18th centuries saw a spate of library-building in Oxford. The finest of all the
new libraries was the brainchild of John Radcliffe (1650–1714). He left his trustees a large
sum of money with which to purchase both the land for the new building and an
60endowment to pay a librarian and purchase books. The monumental circular domed
building – Oxford’s most impressive piece of classical architecture – was built between
1737 and 1748 based on the designs of James Gibbs, and it was finally opened in 1749. For
many years the Radcliffe Library, as it was called until 1860, was completely independent
of the Bodleian.
65Meanwhile the Bodleian’s collections had begun to grow again; more effectivePárr. 7
agreements with the Stationers’ Company, purchases and gifts meant that by 1849, there
were estimated to be 220,000 books and some 21,000 manuscripts in the library’s
collection. The Bodleian also housed pictures, sculptures, coins and medals, and
‘curiosities’ (including a stuffed crocodile from Jamaica). By 1788, the rooms on the first
70floor were given over to library use, and by 1859 the whole of the Schools Quadrangle was
in library hands. This left more space for storing books, which was further increased in
1860, when the Radcliffe Library was taken over by the Bodleian and renamed the
Radcliffe Camera (the word camera means room in Latin).
By the beginning of the 20th century an average of a hundred people a day werePárr. 8
75using the library; the number of books had reached the million mark by 1914. To provide
extra storage space an underground book store was excavated beneath Radcliffe Square in
1909–12; it was the largest such store in the world at the time. But with both readers and
books increasing, the pressure on space once more became critical. In 1931 the decision
was taken to build a new library, with space for five million books, library departments and
80reading rooms, on a site occupied by a row of old timber houses on the north side of Broad
Street. The New Bodleian, as it was known then, was designed by Sir Giles Gilbert Scott
and went up in 1937–40.
In 1975 new office space was acquired in the Clarendon Building, built for thePárr. 9
University Press in 1712–13, and occupying the crucial site between the Old and New
85Libraries. Thus the whole area between the Radcliffe Camera and the New Library – the
historic core of the University – came into the hands of the Bodleian. Most recently, the
New Bodleian building was completely renovated and reopened with large public and new
academic spaces as the Weston Library.