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Since the early 1980s, postcolonialism has developed a body of writing thatPárr. 1
attempts to shift the dominant ways in which the relations between western and non-
western people and their worlds are viewed. This means experiencing how differently
things look when you live in Baghdad or Benin rather than Berlin or Boston, and
5understanding why. It means realizing that when western people look at non-western
people what they see is often more a mirror image of themselves and their own assumptions
than the reality of what is really there, or of how people outside the west actually feel and
perceive themselves. Postcolonialism claims the right of all people on this earth to the same
material and cultural well-being. The reality, though, is that the world today is a world of
10inequality, and much of the difference falls across the broad division between people of the
west and those of the non-west.
This division between the rest and the west was made fairly absolute in the 19thPárr. 2
century by the expansion of the European empires, as a result of which nine-tenths of the
entire land surface of the globe was controlled by European, or European-derived, powers.
15Colonial and imperial rule was legitimized by anthropological theories which increasingly
portrayed the peoples of the colonized world as inferior, childlike, or feminine, incapable of
looking after themselves (despite having done so perfectly well for millennia) and requiring
the paternal rule of the west for their own best interests (today they are deemed to require
'development'). The basis of such anthropological theories was the concept of race. In
20simple terms, the west-non-west relation was thought of in terms of whites versus the non-
white races. White culture was regarded as (and remains) the basis for ideas of legitimate
government, law, economics, science, language, music, art, literature - in a word,
Throughout the period of colonial rule, colonized people contested this dominationPárr. 3
25through many forms of active and passive resistance. It was only towards the end of the
19th century, however, that such resistance developed into coherent political movements:
for the peoples of most of the earth, much of the 20th century involved the long struggle
and eventual triumph against colonial rule, often at enormous cost of life and resources.
When national sovereignty had finally been achieved, each state moved from colonial to
30autonomous, postcolonial status. However, it is striking that despite decolonization, the
major world powers did not change substantially during the course of the 20th century. For
the most part, the same (ex)imperial countries continue to dominate those countries that
they formerly ruled as colonies. The cases of Afghanistan, Cuba, Iran, and Iraq, make it
clear that any country that has the nerve to resist its former imperial masters does so at its
35peril. All governments of these countries that have positioned themselves politically against
western control have suffered military interventions by the west against them.
For one thing, along with this shift from formal to informal empire, the westernPárr. 4
countries require ever more additional labour power at home, which they fulfil through
immigration. As a result of immigration, the clear division between the west and the rest in
40ethnic terms at least no longer operates absolutely. More generally, in terms of broad
consensus, the dominance of western culture, on which much of the division between
western and non-western peoples was assumed to rest in colonial times, has been dissolved
into a more generous system of cultural respect and a tolerance for differences.
What is important is that postcolonialism involves first of all the argument that thePárr. 5
45nations of the three non-western continents (Africa, Asia, Latin America) are largely in a
situation of subordination to Europe and North America, and in a position of economic
inequality. Postcolonialism asserts not just the right of African, Asian, and Latin American
peoples to access resources and material well-being, but also the dynamic power of their
cultures, cultures that are now intervening in and transforming the societies of the west.
50Postcolonial theory involves a conceptual reorientation towards the perspectives of
knowledges, as well as needs, developed outside the west. It is concerned with developing
the driving ideas of a political practice morally committed to transforming the conditions of
exploitation and poverty in which large sections of the world's population live out their
daily lives.
55Postcolonial theory, so-called, is not in fact a theory in the scientific sense, that is aPárr. 6
coherently elaborated set of principles that can predict the outcome of a given set of
phenomena. It comprises instead a related set of perspectives, which are juxtaposed against
one another, on occasion contradictorily. It involves issues that are often the preoccupation
of other disciplines and activities, particularly to do with the position of women, of
60development, of ecology, of social justice, of socialism in its broadest sense. Above all,
postcolonialism seeks to intervene, to force its alternative knowledges into the power
structures of the west as well as the non-west. It seeks to change the way people think, the
way they behave, to produce a more just and equitable relation between the different
peoples of the world. For this reason, there is no attempt here to elaborate postcolonialismPárr. 7
65as a single set of ideas, or as a single practice. At one level there is no single entity called
'postcolonial theory': postcolonialism, as a term, describes practices and ideas as various as
those within feminism or socialism. Postcolonialism is about a changing world, a world that
has been changed by struggle and which its practitioners intend to change further.
Young, Robert J. C. (2003). Postcolonialism: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press.